Granpal Medium - biomass boilers.
These boilers are offered in the power range from 200 kW to 600 kW.
Granpal Medium boilers with a moving grate are produced in the power range from 200 kW to 600 kW and can be offered depending on the type as low-temperature or high-temperature boilers. The constructions of our boilers have been developed on the basis of many years of cooperation with companies from Scandinavia.
Our boilers successfully work in many European countries: Poland, Denmark, Germany, France and Great Britain.
Granpal Medium are boilers with a horizontal movable grate, cooled by water and air. Thanks to this technology, we eliminate the slag formation process in the combustion chamber.
Granpal Medium boilers are equipped with complete automation that allows you to control the operation of the entire system from the moment of feeding fuel from the storage to the boiler through its combustion, to removing ash and removing flue gas.
We offer Granpal Medium boilers in several types:
- burning biomass with a moisture content up to 25%, such as: wood pellets, straw pellets, grain cereals (eg. oats), production wastes (e.g.. fruit seeds, nut shells, sunflower husks);
burning biomass with a posture content up to 50%, such as: wood chips, sawdust, shredded wood waste;
burning shredded straw with humidity up to 25%.
Main advantages of the Granpal Medium boilers:
user can choose from different types of fuels depending on their availability and price;
high efficiency: 93%
modern controller with a large touch panel enabling easy operation of the boiler;
open software with easy update via SD card;
support for several independent heating circuits and domestic hot water circuits;
smooth automatic boiler load adjustment (from 0 to 100%);
permanent recording of boiler operation parameters on an SD card enabling easy diagnostics;
easy cleaning of boiler;
large combustion chamber with a moving grate cooled with water and air;
simple construction for long and trouble-free operation;
automatic ash removal system;
automatic combustion optimization using an oxygen analyzer with a landa probe, a vacuum controller regulating the operation of the exhaust fan.
Boiler automation

The control system allows you to control the combustion process at any time, from fuel supply, through combustion, to removal of ash and exhaust gases. The use of an oxygen meter with a lambda probe enables very efficient and economical use of fuel. On-going monitoring of all devices allows you to fully control the system's operation, and information about any alarms can be sent remotely.
Podstawowe funkcje sterownika:
smooth, automatic boiler power adjustment between 0 - 100%,
automatic ignition (optional),
combustion optimization using an oxygen analyzer equipped with a lambda probe,
control of several independent heating circuits,
automatic vacuum regulation,
ability to choose the boiler automatically restart after a power outage,
supervision of the output temperature from the boiler with double thermal protection,
boiler operation control with the use of an outside temperature sensor (optional),
controller has the ability to create and save the following data files on the SD card:
- daily reports (they contain the values of all measured analog values, archiving is done by default every 1 minute),
daily alarms: they contain date time and description of the following events (all failures and errors that have occurred, changes of setting parameters, together with newly entered values of settings).
alarms displayed in a separate window on the boiler control panel (alarm messages contain a description of it and date and time of appearance)
the option of visualizing the operation of the boiler controller through the Ethernet connection and the possibility of connecting to a LAN.
Standard equipment of the Granpal Medium biomass boiler:
combustion chamber with cast iron grate cooled by water and air;
hydraulic actuator of grate;
hydraulic station;
ceramic lining of the combustion chamber;
heat exchanger (horizontal smoke tubes with turbulators);
blow fan (smooth automatic speed control);
exhausted gases fan (smooth automatic speed control);
stoker, conveyor feeding fuel to combustion chamber with back fire protection;
motor-gear of stoker;
rotary star feeder;
motor-gear of rotary star feeder;
conveyor removing ash;
motor-gear of conveyor removing ash;
ash container;
boiler automation:
control cabinet;
touch control panel with boiler system visualization;
inverter of blow fan;
inverter of exhausted gases fan;
safety thermostat;
vacuum controller;
pressure water controller for back fire protection system;
oxygen analyses with lambda probe;
optical fuel level sensor;
temperature sensor;
induction sensors.
Przykładowe realizacje: