Granpal Eco - biomass boiler.
They are offered in the power range from 15 kW to 150 kW,
Granpal Eco boilers operate in fully automated mode, reducing the need for user operation to the necessary minimum.
Granpal Eco boilers meet the requirements for class 5 boilers and meet the requirements of the Ecodesign Directive.
Granpal Eco boilers are designed for combustion of different kinds of biomass: wood pellets, straw pellets, grain (eg. oat), production wastes (eg. fruits seeds, nuts shells, sunflower husks), etc...

The main advantages of the boiler Eco Granpal:
very large variety of burned fuels;
high efficiency of 93%;
modern controller with a large touch panel enabling easy operation of the boiler;
open software of controller with easy update via SD card;
support for several independent heating circuits and domestic hot water
smooth automatic boiler load adjustment (from 0 to 100%);
permanent recording of boiler operation parameters on an SD card enabling easy diagnostics;
automatic ignition with ceramic ignitors and blow of hot air;
large fuel tank (with capacity from 126 kg do 564 kg) with back fire protection;
easy cleaning of boiler;
simple design ensuring long and trouble-free operation;
many additional options: automatic ash removing system, oxygen analyzer with lambda probe, exhaust fan with automatic vacuum controller;
remote control of the boiler operation with any device with network access and a web browser (additional option).
Ask about offer !


Granpal Eco 2Z to kotły o mocy od 20 kW do 150 kW, przeznaczone do spalania suchej zrębki drewna i trocin.
Kocioł posiada zespół podajników o powiększonej średnicy tak aby bezproblemowo podawać zrębki drewna oraz trociny.
Nad podajnikiem paliwa do komory spalania znajduje się zawór celkowy, a sam podajnik zabezpieczony jest czujnikiem ppoż.
Kocioł może być wyposażony w przykotłowy zasobnik paliwa lub podajnik dostarczający paliwo do kotła bezpośrednio z magazynu paliwa w kotłowni.
Kocioł tak jak inne kotły z serii Granpal Eco 2 jest wyposażony w zaawansowaną automatykę kontrolną z dotykowym panelem sterowania oraz możliwością dostępu zdalnego poprzez dowolne urządzenie z przeglądarką internetową i dostępem do sieci.

Granpal Eco boiler is equipped with a modern controller with a color touch panel with visualization of the boiler operation. The controller not only controls the operation of the boiler, but also the central heating system using an external temperature sensor and domestic hot water temperature control.
Boiler automatically and smoothly regulates its power by controlling the amount of fuel and air fed through cyclical operation of the feeder and thanks to the use of smooth adjustment of the blower power.
A permanent record of operating parameters of the boiler on the SD memory card, alarms, and user input changes can increase service support and rapid problem diagnosis.

Boiler diagram

Boiler Granpal Eco 2P (with vertical heat exchanger):

Cleaning the heat exchanger and emptying the ash box: